原文が http://web.archive.org/web/20220325113504/https://www.gq-magazine.co.u... [archive.org] にありますが該当部分は After two decades spent at Apple, Bergeron has accumulated a few of these industry-defining stories, including the first product she worked on – the 17-inch PowerBook G4. “Way back in 2003 almost every single thing that we put in it was a new invention at the time,” she says. “Nobody made a laptop that big that you could carry at that point. They were sort of these horrible-looking seven and a half pound briefca
私はプログラマです。1040 formに私の職業としてそう書いています -- Ken Thompson
Appleの世界観はいつもこうだ (スコア:0)
http://web.archive.org/web/20220325092539/https://japanese.engadget.co... [archive.org]
まずハードウェアエンジニアリング担当VPのKate Bergeron氏は、自分が最初に手がけたMac、17インチPowerBook G4まで遡って語っています。すなわち2003年当時、本製品に搭載されたほとんど全ての要素が「当時としては新しい発明」だったとのこと。その頃は「持ち運べるサイズのノート
Re:Appleの世界観はいつもこうだ (スコア:0)
17インチPowerBook G4が3.1kgなんだがなあ。クソ重かった記憶があるもん。
Re: (スコア:0)
http://web.archive.org/web/20220325113504/https://www.gq-magazine.co.u... [archive.org]
After two decades spent at Apple, Bergeron has accumulated a few of these industry-defining stories, including the first product she worked on – the 17-inch PowerBook G4. “Way back in 2003 almost every single thing that we put in it was a new invention at the time,” she says. “Nobody made a laptop that big that you could carry at that point. They were sort of these horrible-looking seven and a half pound briefca